I want to address a doctrinal matter that is very important for us, as mortals, to understand if we want to be involved in an eternal relationship. See if this makes sense to you:
Lee Braithwaite, in a Brigham Young University Devotional years ago, told the following story that took place when he was only three and a half years old: "My mother called to me and said, 'Lee, hurry up and get ready for church.' I was very defensive and said, "I do not want to go to church." She said, "But Jesus wants you to." I defiantly stated, "I never see Him there" (From I'll Try to; I Will Do," Speeches, BYU, 2005-2006, 204.)
To this young mind, it seemed that if Jesus wanted him in church, then He ought to be there also! At least show up once in a while! It is one of those important questions that we all ask at sometime in our lives. Why don't we see Jesus once in a while? Or, why don't we occasionally see a family member who has passed--simply to confirm to us that we are 'on track' and that we are making progress prior to joining them, and that there really is an afterlife?
The answer lies in understanding the purposes of the plan of salvation. The best answer to these questions are clearer when we start at the end of life and work backwards. For example, our ultimate goal as a couple is to gain eternal life, exaltation. That means that thanks to the Savior, we will both be resurrected as male and female, and continue as a husband and wife, father and mother. That's the order of the Celestial Kingdom. It was for this reason the earth was created--that we, as the spirit children of heavenly parents, might obtain a body capable of marriage and procreation (see D&C 49:15-17.)
Now, what must we learn/know if we are to become a celestial couple? Would you agree that we must come to know:
1. How to be obedient to celestial law? Obedience to gospel laws is one of the primary lessons we are to learn in mortality, because once resurrected and no longer subject to death anymore, we must become perfect in morality, honesty, love, charity, humility, kindness, --all Christlike traits we see modeled in the Savior's life. Consider this point: What can you do to a ressurrected person in the celestial kingdom who lies, cheats, steals, takes advantage of others, etc.? You can't execute them--they can't die! You can't put them in a celestial jail until they repent and come out of imprisonment! (Can a prison hold a celestial being.) And yet, they still have agency! No, we must know the differences between good and evil if we are to live next door to President Gordon B. Hinckley and Marjorie, or President and Sister Monson in that highest of the kingdoms of glory. Therefore this telestial sphere and environment was created so that elements will test us in preparation for living among other exalted couples. These lessons can only be learned outside of parental controls, whether mortal or pre-mortal. It was President Thomas S. Monson who said: "The primary purposes of our existence upon the earth are to (1) obtain a body of flesh and bones, to (2) gain experience that could come only through separation from our heavenly parents, and to (3) see if we would keep the commandments ("Ponder the Path of Thy Feet," Ensign/Liahona Nov. 2014, 86.) Thus, the earth was created for us to separate us from our heavenly parents and through our use of agency choose from all the options that confront us in this mortal state. (Satan was cast out to this earth to test us in ways that will prepare us to live among other exalted couples.)
It was President Brigham Young who taught this concept: "It has also been decreed by the Almighty that spirits, upon taking bodies, shall forget all they had known previously, or they could not have a day of trial--could not have an opportunity for proving themselves in darkness and temptation, in unbelief and wickedness, to prove themselves worthy of eternal existence". . . (JD 6:333.)
2. How to be a loving spouse. There can not be/will not be divorces among celestial couples. They learned in mortal life how to succor, how to communicate, how to cherish, how to bless one another, etc., so that they have developed a great love affair that only allows for charitable companionship.
3. We will become parents again--this time of spirit children. These are offspring that result from the union of resurrected married bodies that contain spirit rather than blood--hence the term 'spirit children.' Only those couples who have experienced parenthood and done their best in learning how to rear children will be capable of procreation as resurrected beings (see D&C 131:1-4.)
4. One of the great revelations that cemented this particular doctrinal contribution of the Prophet Joseph Smith was given in the 1995 Proclamation on the Family. It reads: "All human beings--male and female--are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual pre-mortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose" (The Family: A Proclamation to the World, Ensign, Nov. 1995:102.)
Once you know we have heavenly parents and They function as a Husband and Father, Wife and Mother, you begin to see why we needed to get away from Their home and learn for ourselves the laws and principles that govern marriage and family relations. Knowing that we can become as They are, eternal companions and parents, as mortals we look at each other differently; we want to work together to continue the love that began in our early relationship and carried us into marriage. There would be no divorces IF both partners understood their potential as Eternal Companions. They would do all they could to meet each other's needs and continue the courtship and love that fostered their initial decision to marry and organize an eternal family. It does take two to make it work. One can really mess it up!
When we marry in the temple, the sealer represents Heavenly Father, the God of the Universe. He asks us some questions and when we commit ourselves that we will live the gospel and be charitable companions, there should be very few divorces. Of course, many must learn from marriage as well as divorce, but divorce means that one or both partners grew careless in living gospel principles and covenants.
There are only two ordinances performed in the name of the entire Godhead: Baptism and Eternal Marriage (including sealing of children to parents.) That means that each member of the Godhead will do whatever They can to assist us in mortality to become the kind of individuals and couples that will serve each other in a way that both will be anxious to develop an eternal companionship.
(Often we hear someone say, "We want to live so as to live with Heavenly Father again." I don't know of too many parents who want their children living with them whether in this life or the next! What we really mean is that we will live in the same kingdom, have access to each other, but as exalted couples we will be rearing our own spirit children and collaborating with others who are passing though the same experiences. So the revelation says: "And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only [there] it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy. D&C 130:2.)
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